Implement OAuth 2.0

All services are protected with an industry-standard OAuth 2.0 protocol. Before you can access any account-related services, you need to obtain an access token.

In order to access our production environment, you need to first obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials.

Production Environment Properties

In the case of services regulated by the PSD2 legislation (AISP, PISP, CISP), you also need to have a proper license from the national regulator and a certificate for client authentication for accessing API resources.

OAuth 2.0 Scopes

When asking for an access token, you can use one or more of the following scopes (depending on your PSD2 license coverage):

aispRelated to resources for payment account access based on AISP mandate.
pispRelated to resources for payment initiation based on PISP mandate.

What’s Next

After you master the OAuth 2.0 handshake, you can call our API services.